Premiere in 2019


Concept & Choreography : Yang Zhen.
Assistant to the choreographer: Li Yichunzi
Dancers: Justin Brown, Yiannis Logothetis, Cong Shuqi, Yang Zhen.
Music: Yang Zhen.


The concept of DESTINATION:

Explore the "advanced" personality aesthetics by presenting bodies from two different cultural contexts and political contexts. At the same time, it is also through the body to present a "limited" sexy and a "legal consumption" sensuality in two different political contexts of China and Germany. I also try to find a kind of "neutral" aesthetics and attitudes to show the strength and texture of physical actions, the physical structures, the same ideologies and physical energies that occur in different physiologies and cultures, and the occurrences, contradictions, conflicts, mergers, and ultimately Destination.


 “Destination” is a very well known gay bar in Beijing, China, but had to be very hidden in order to survive.   First of all, in the Chinese context, people's attitude towards sex is obscure and implicit.   Especially with homosexual research or problems, it is kind of seemingly neutral, but it totally rejects nature from history, art, politics and the entire society. With the trend of China's economic globalization, the younger generation has also changed the degree of gender acceptance.  However, in such a rapidly developing economic era, people's daily anxiety and oppression are in conflict. At the same time, the works are also experienced by artists through gay bars in different countries and cities, such as Beijing, Taipei, Amsterdam, Munich, Marseille, Geneva, Tel Aviv, Montreal and Toronto. Feel the openness of the gay bar in different countries and cities and the characteristics and aesthetics of the bar itself, so as to explore and collide this hidden and open “sexyness".